Monday, January 30, 2012


verb: to know; to recognize or identify

played by Megan for 14 points

for more on kens

Thursday, January 26, 2012


noun: simpleton

played by Lorraine for 11 points

for more on gaby

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


adjective: curved so as to be wide apart at the knees

verb: pass on or discuss an idea in a casual way

noun: a game similar to field hockey

synonyms: crooked - curved - bandy-legged - exchange

played by Anna for 25 points (in conjunction with other words)

for more on bandy


noun: thirteenth letter of the Greek alphabet

played by me for 25 points (in conjunction with another word)

for more on nu


noun: dialect variant of heron

played by Lorraine

for more on heron

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


noun a syllable used for the first note in the diatonic scale in an early solmization system and later replaced by do

played by Lorraine and myself (Anna) many a time for a varying number of points

for more on ut


noun: the sulfate of dextroamphetamine

played by Lorraine for 22 points

for more on dex

Monday, January 23, 2012


noun: a long narrow river inlet

played by Lorraine for 5 points

for more on ria

Hey friends

So my roommate Lorraine and I are in love with the game Words With Friends. Often we try to play words just for the sake of getting rid of letters. We hardly ever know what these words mean; basically, we're making them up and somehow they turn out to be real.

I will be documenting such words on this blog.


adjective: lively; cheerful

synonym: merry

played by Lorraine for 16 points

for more on peart